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Covid-19 Mitigation

For the safety of everyone there, those attending in person will need to wear an FFP2/3 mask at all times and in all areas of the venue where we are having Akademy With the exception of in the cafeteria, we recommend eating outside if possible. There may be venue staff who do not wear masks in common areas.

We want to make sure everyone feels safe at Akademy. We will not be going below this stated standard. Please plan accordingly. Additional measures may be necessary should safety measure not be kept. We will work to notify everyone as early as possible.

Wearing a mask helps protect people and reduces your chances of catching COVID-19 or the flu. This could cause you to miss your opportunity to attend Akademy.

We will provide free masks of various designs both FFP2 & FFP3, hand sanitiser and lateral flow tests to attendees

If you have a medical condition that makes wearing a mask hard please contact the KDE e.V. Board in advance of attending Akademy so that we can make this as simple as possible and have you on a list we can consult, to help differentiate you from anti-vaxers etc. Thanks

Welcome Event & Social Event

For both events, we recommend that our attendees use the outdoor areas.


Masks are required while on the bus to and from the day-trip. We will not have control over safety measures while at Montserrat. We ask that you are responsible in caring for yourself and others.

Public transport

Masks are currently required on Barcelona public transport. Police patrol checking for mask wearing and remove people from the vehicle who do not have a mask with them