Akademy 2019 T-shirt
Pre-ordering is no longer available. However there will be a small number of t-shirts available for anyone who has not pre-ordered.
Following on from previous years we have the option for buying an official Akademy 2019 t-shirt. Attendees can pre-order a t-shirt, pick it up at Akademy and pay a reduced price.
It's hard for the team to guess how many of each size shirt to order. Sometimes people aren't able to get the right size because they have sold out, and we often end up with leftovers of other sizes.
This year's design was created by Jens Reuterberg and is inspired by the Milan Cathedral
If you are definitely coming to Akademy 2019, you can pre-order the size of
t-shirt that you want. Then pick it up and pay during the conference.
Pre-ordered t-shirts have a reduced price of 12€, normally 15€.
To pre-order your t-shirt, click the Pre-Order T-shirt option in your Akademy
registration and select the size you want. T-shirt pre-orders are open till
Monday 12th Aug at 1100CEST
If you don't know whether or not you will be at Akademy, or if you don't want to pre-order, there will be a limited number of t-shirts available to buy at the event for 15€.
The fitted style is suitable for some women, while others may prefer to wear the unisex style.
This years t-shirts are the same model as last years
The approximate sizes of the t-shirts are: